
Soulmate – we all dream – the epitome of love. We all are social creatures. Every person has a dream to find that ONE person with whom they can spend the rest of their life. That ONE person with whom one can share their innermost deep feelings, dreams and wishes.
Sometimes, when two persons meet and exchange views and get familiar with each other, an uncontrollable attraction develops between them. They end up in deciding to live life together, forever. Its very difficult to live this life all alone and living alone leads to depression or frustrations.
Soulmates – Do they really exist? It is a blessing if you stay together and a curse if you live apart.
As we see in movies or TV serials, an ideal boy or girl do all things nice. They are blessed with magical powers of being perfect all through their life. This creates an illusion among people that things are always like a fairy tale, raising their hopes and expectations of each other.
Does one really get to see a Perfect Ideal Couple? Do they really exist in today’s world? Sometimes it’s dilemma an arranged marriage or a love marriage which one is the best? Which can create an ideal couple?What truly makes two individuals compatible? Do we really share our deepest things with our partners or we still need someone else to share them?
Such questions wonders in each individual’s mind atleast once in a lifetime.
Couples who are happy and content by themselves, try hard to make their relationship to grow beautiful. There are lucky people who earn a friend as well as a companion in form of a life partner. Unhappy couples think they are incompatible. It truly means “we don’t get along very well”. They blame it on the facade of compatibility. They feel that to realize that the happiness really depends on someone else and by their sheer willpower and want to stay in a relationship.
It depends purely on how you build the relationship with each other. Couples, who focus their aim on building something meaningful in life and stay together in every decision, tend to last their relationship for long.
How a couple interacts with each other is the most important element for creating a successful relationship. It is how they speak to each other. Both partners should support each other and fulfil their life’s dream, both should lookup, admire and emotionally help each other while responding to each other while in need.
It’s “ME” who can create compatibility. If both of them will think alike then they can create wonders “Soulmates has locks that fit our keys and keys to fit our locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are,we can be loved for who we are and not for who we are pretending to be.Each unveils the best part of other.No matter what else goes wrong around us,with that one person we are safe in our own paradise.Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings,our sense of direction,When we are two balloons and together our direction is up,chances are we have found the right person.Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life” as said by Richard Bach.
Soul mates join your heart’s other half and make a complete “YOU” intact like there is no piece is missing from the puzzle.If you make a perfect pair it’s like you have solved life’s toughest puzzle.
There may be ups and downs in life but being each other’s strength and weaknesses can make the life smooth. To be with each other is one of the most precious treasures of life. They are lucky people who have really found their heart’s other half to make them complete.
There is no magic wand which can make a perfect world like a fairy tale. Looking at each other, sharing and caring for each other accepting every odds of life. Feeling a strong sense of belongingness and finding each other attractive are small slices of a pie which can give a healthy and lasting relationship and countless nights of deep embrace unravelling the mysteries of life one by one while being each other’s SOULMATE.