Lt.Bhavana Kasturi First lady Officer to lead Male Contingent At The 71st Army Day Parade

First Lady Officer to lead Army Contingent
Lt. Bhavana Kasturi of the Army Services Corps (ASC), a commissioned officer of the Indian Army, said, “This is the first time ever that a lady officer is leading a contingent. Earlier, never has a lady officer has led a jawan’s contingent at any large ceremonial parade.” For the first time in the history of the Indian Army, Lt. Bhavana Kasturi, a lady officer is leading an army contingent in the 71st Army Day parade to be held on 15th January 2019. This will break the glass ceiling, a woman officer will lead a contingent of 144 army personnel in the Army Day parade.
However, in 2015 at the Republic Day parade, lady officers from all the three services led their respective contingents with 148 personnel each from the Indian Army, Navy and the Indian Air Force.
Every year Army Day is celebrated on 15th January in India in recognition of Field Marshal KM Cariappa’s (then a Lt General) taking over as the first Indian Commander – in – Chief of the Indian Army from General Sir Francis Butcher, the last British Commander – in – Chief of India on 15 January 1949.
On this day the Indian Army gives a salute to all the valiant soldiers who sacrificed their lives to protect the country and its people.
Feeling proud of being a woman, this shows the acceptance of womanhood by one of India’s prestigious organisations, the Indian Army. Truly, what a change and evolution of humanity.
The year 2019 will scrap away gender barriers. Women like Lt. Kasturi have become a role model and inspiration for others, add value to our community and improve the lives of others.
It is one more feather in the cap for woman officers in the Indian Army. Not only Lt. Bhavana but also Captain Shikha Surabhi who is slated to lead the Army’s Daredevil Motorcycle team. This display team will have 33 personnel who will ride nine motorbikes in a pyramidal structure.
To its credit, it has won 24 world records and will be participating in the Republic Day Parade as well.
Its a matter of pride and honour for our country. Today the women can serve in every field and in any position.
Their support and strength and sacrifice count for the Army as well as for the country.
Women hailing from all the cultures and regions of our country have overcome many hurdles to soar in the sky. It is a very courageous thing to join the Armed Forces. Fighting fear and serving our motherland.
She is MA DURGA and is always ready with her valour and prowess.
Women have proved that there is nothing called a man’s job. With grit, self determination and sacrifice, she can accept any challenge.
With vigorous training and emotional strengthening, today women are working shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts. They come out as brave heroes who are prepared to die for this country. Now these brave heroes have painstakingly inspired others. They have paved a path for their peers and the coming generations.
Indian women are creatimg history in every field and continue to overawe us with greater triumphs of their powerful identity.
The male dominated bastions are gradually crumbling and are accepting women on equal footing. They have saluted these women in uniform for their dedication and bravery. A day will come when we may use the term, sister – in – arms for these elite troops as equal to brother – in – arms to serve togehter in the battlefield.
Although the path chosen is tough, but Indian women have proved themselves, that they have the spirit, determination, strong willpower, hardwork and courage to make themselves as well as India proud.
Pic courtesy :google