10 ways that help forgetful kids to remember things

Children of the current digital and trendy generation have a tough time – though they are technologically armed, they still have to keep themselves aware or alert every time.
There are too many areas or opportunities, and parents want them to be master of all fields, though they themselves might not be. With a variety of options, sometimes kids are not able to concentrate on one thing.
If your kid is unable to focus on one thing, don’t scold him and there’s nothing wrong with him. It may be possible that he is just forgetful or confused. The most important thing is not to compare with other children or his peers.
Every child is unique in their own way, and with proper time their skills will develop and grow. Forgetfulness is common as it can affect a child’s academic performance and learning skills as well. This is why you need to help your child and strengthen his memory, leaving behind all your agony. It’s not a disease but is a phase, which can be solved with proper guidance, love, and care.
Reasons for Forgetfulness in Kids
There are a few reasons why your child may be forgetting things often.
Have a glance here are few of them:
1. Half Baked Memories.
When we discover a new thing, we might just already know the things. We add up various other pieces of information to it, instead of fabricating information and storing. For example, if we know addition we can add, and learn various new methods to do an addition that we already know since our childhood. Whereas a child will get aware of such things slowly, so he requires time to understand addition first and then the various methods to do it. In this process, the child may forget as addition is totally a new concept for him. Always come to the level of the child, and think before you scold them about their forgetfulness. As children have less consciousness in their memory bank, sorting new information into categories is strenuous for them, which results in forgetfulness. Sometimes they can become blank.
2. Being Absent – minded.
Children are fickle-minded and their level of concentration is half, as compared to adults. It’s a common problem among millions of children these days. Loss of concentration could lead to a serious problem, especially in the classroom. As parents, you can help and nurture your children. Concentration power can be enhanced by simple techniques that will help the child to gain attention and overcome absent-mindedness. For example, when you talk to him, try to find out the cause for absent-mindedness. It could be due to watching a lot of animation on TV, or playing too many games in the backyard. There are always reasons behind a loss in concentration. As parents, you have to diagnose. Develop an interest in the areas where your child is already showing signs of interest. It may help him to explore his interest and he will slowly get motivated. Motivation will lead to better concentration. Sit with them, talk to them and make eye contact while speaking. Pause often while giving instructions and ask them to repeat what you said to ensure that he was listening with concentration. Gradually he will overcome absentminded-ness.
3. Brain Injury
Children who suffers from a severe brain injury may be more forgetful than other children. They may lose parts of muscle, speech, vision hearing etc. Brain injuries can be caused by any trauma or car, bike or bicycle accidents, or can also be caused by a serious fall or while playing some sports. If your child seems to suddenly become forgetful, take him to a doctor to check for a concussion.The use of seat belts while riding vehicles are always advised. Such types of children always require lifelong medical treatment and rehabilitation. Positive reinforcement will encourage the child to strengthen their self esteem and promote their independence.
Tips to Help Your Forgetful Child to Remember More
There are many ways to cure forgetfulness in a child. If you see that your child forgets things that he learned recently, or shows signs of Attention Deficit Hyperkinetic Disorder (ADHD) such as unable to maintain attention, here’s what you can do:
1. Calm and sound atmosphere.
Provide your child with a soothing and calm atmosphere to study, rather than a crowded place. If a child can get good concentration, he can remember better. Try and be with them when they need you. When you take interest in them, you will gradually see they will start concentrating and remembering stuff.
2. Counting Game
Give him 10 things to count and ask him to remember and tell you all those things that you have given. For example, if your child learns 10 new vocabulary words in a day, you can ask your child to repeat those words in the sequence you have given, or further you can ask them to write down or classify them according to noun or verb.
3. Avoid rote learning
Instead of asking him to memorise and do rote learning, first, explain the concept to them. If they need to understand the concept of osmosis, make him observe a glass of water and potato over 2-3 days, practically doing hands-on activities are the best way to teach the child in a faster way. If he needs to do remember equations, help him to learn it with tricks, then it will be easier for them and will become a lifelong memory.
4. Practice Make A man perfect.
A good tip to help a forgetful child is to help him practice, practice and lots of practice. They can remember it if they can get a quick glance of the stuff a day before the real test. For example, a mock examination conducted before final examination is a practice for all children, or a run-through before a gala event will give them an experience before final event and they can do better by overcoming mistakes. With enough practice, children will be able to remember things without difficulties. With more and more of practice, they can overcome their difficulties in various spheres and gain confidence.
5. Praise more than you criticize
Praises are always luscious. Understand the power of PRAISE. Whenever the child is drifting to their own imaginary world let them be, and don’t punish rather understand them. Criticizing unnecessary may lead to aggravating the existing issue.
6. Give Rewards
Viola! You did it. Reward them when they show better signs of improvements in concentration. Honour them and they will respond positively.
7.Best Ambience
Provide your child with a calm and quiet environment. Give them invaluable tips to get good marks or to be among the top 10 students in a class. Sit with them while they study, watch them do or follow your tips. Cajole your child.
8.Games that develops concentration
Chess, Scrabbles,Story Telling, any creative activity like Dance , Drama, Art or music, missing number games and games associated with logic or memories can develop your child’s concentration power.
Every child copy their parents, trace out problems that are affecting their memory, find out solutions for the problems, nuture and love all these innocent children unconditionally they are god gifted creatures on Earth. We should take care of them.
9. Seek help.
If you see that despite all efforts the child is unable to retain even basic information of the classroom and is always behind his peers, it is time to seek professional help. It is possible that the child may have a learning disorder. Even dyslexia can lead to difficulty in memorizing. It is important to recognize the learning disorder early and take corrective action.
When things can be seen while teaching it creates a deeper impact. A slow learner gets more support from visual aids. Learning by doing creates an impression in mind and the child remember things easily, and in recent years, smart boards have been introduced and gradually various new technologies are coming up to meet new challenges.