Still Life Goes On ….

I am a girl. Today is my 10th birthday I am very happy. World is like a paradise… a fairy tale land where iam the princess Snow-white or Cinderella… spending my life joyfully, my heart is full of childish dreams.. I am a carefree child, playing all the time, going for hunting in the evening with my friends to collect bright feathers and curious round pebbles. And then one day, imperceptibly, with time I grew up I was no longer kids. Our childhood dreams got lost. Now, no one tells us to go out and play. When we were children, we were of pure heart, innocently winning hearts of millions ..But time and tide waits for none..
I am the younger one so my elder brother and sister love me so much. I am shining star of my parents. I love my home and family.
Time passed rapidly i turned into 16. My elder sister get married and residing with her husband. Life is pretty busy with my study activities, but still joyful.Enjoying TEENS of my life with having lots of dreams in my eyes .I am very happy. I am a teenager in her prime. The world is like a paradise for me with all the fun in school, friends and mischiefs. I am spending my life joyfully without getting fussy over things and without a care in the world about tomorrow. I am the shining star of my home. I love my home and my parents. I want to decorate home as per my wish but I am told that I am young and immature to do this and when I will get married I will have ample opportunity to decorate my home according to my wish. So i have started to wait to grow up to be lady for all my wishes to get fulfilled.
With passing time, I grew up into a sincere college going girl waiting for all my desires to be a successful woman living her life with dignity. Life is pretty busy with my study activities, but it still is joyful with college friends, college canteens, bunking classes, watching movies and celebrating each moment of life but with a little bit of trepidation about the future too.
But with the passage of time everyone made me realize that this is not my home.
I turned into 20, my elder brother get married and i am happy that bride of my brother ll fill up the vacated space of my sister and we both ll set the house beautifully. But with the passage of time she make me realized that this is not my home. I have to go to a new home after marriage and that ll be my permanent home. This reality was hurting but my parents are now grown old and they are worried about me so i felt that this is necessary to go to my permanent home by getting marry in order to satisfy my parents.
I have to go to a new home after marriage and that will be my permanent home. This reality started hurting me deep inside but looking into my parents eyes it was better to get married so as to see them happy and finish up their responsibility , settling my home. I don’t want to leave my home but I have to.
A boy has been selected for me. Though it is very difficult to leave “my home” and parents and to join a new family, home and man in a new environment with a lots of new values and rules. It will take a lot of effort in adapting them and forgetting this home which I thought is mine but Alas!
Now I have to move ahead to another home …”MY HOME” this with lots of fears and dreams in my eyes. I am now ready to make my home and decorate it but leaving my parents and my native place is the worst part that every girl goes through. Is it easy ???? A few of them are lucky to get a good surroundings and acceptance from new people others struggle till the end of their lives.
After marriage I realized that life is very tough with lots of responsibilities, household work and if you want to work then finish up all the household chores then after making all others happy you can start up your own. Again only a few are lucky enough to get enough support otherwise it all depends on the husband’s or in laws ‘s wish. My wishes have no value. Because I came to know that this is not my home, I can live in this house only if I obey all the orders/ wishes of my in laws and husband.
I completed my half century with all greys and blues.i.e. I am 50, my son is my the hope of life and my ultimate happiness. He is my wealth. He loves a girl and wants to marry her. I am happy bringing that girl as my daughter in law. They are very happy with each other but slowly they make me realize that this is their home and I am useless here disturbing their lives……
I am turned into 60, sitting on a bench in park thinking about my home “my home:”, where it is. Can anyone guide me and other women like me…..
Aunty!!Radha…Aunty! please give us our football. A curly haired boy shouted. I rolled my eyes for the ball and kicked it in the air as if that ball kissed the utmost point above the horizon with a wink in my eyes .. a hope still remains in my heart,Life goes on!!