She can fly

Dream – something we want very much to happen. Isn’t it? We all dream and they should be fulfilled. Dreaming high is always necessary to visualise life in different means. Ideas, emotions, desires are always important and are needed to fly high. A girl with desires and hopes can soar to the heights of success. She can fly if she is determined and has the capability of lots of hard work.
When one dreams of something big and tries to achieve it with dedication, no one can stop them to reach their goal. When you sow a seed and nourish it, one day that tiny seed of hope bears fruits of happiness.
A girl or a woman when she is set free to pursue her dreams and to chase her passions, success will positively kiss her.

In the past when a girl was born, people used to take that as a burden. But as we are cruising through the 21st century, girls are no more shy, coy or timid. She can fly now if she is given an opportunity. She can do whatever she wants to. With innovative ideas and opinions, she can venture into new arenas and attain heights of success. Females are now standing equally with their male counterparts in every area. She has set goals for herself and strives to mould those dreams into reality with her hard work and will power to achieve the best.
Let her free and give her wings to fly. And watch this woman with a soul of a mermaid and liveliness of a butterfly sparkle like a star.
The world will be a better place to live in where both the sexes will be at the helm. The 21st-century woman has shattered the glass ceiling. Women can fly enthusiastically when barriers are eliminated that hinder their path. We have to do more than mere lip service about gender equality, ensuring that every woman has an equal right to access power and have an impact on society. She is the woman with a beautiful soul, nothing can beat her path in life when she is determined to chase her goals and dreams. She just needs acceptance, encouragement to cherish her path, whatever may come on the way.
Let us give her space. Uplift and boost her. Let her fly high, soar the heights. The world will see a new trend. A new vision and new hope of empowering women.
She never knew what the world means to her,
She cries always for her share of freedom,
All she knew was looking out for her dignity
Streaked with her own identity and her own abilities,
Her silent rage,
That no one ever listened.
Now behind her back, she has tied both wings,
Wings that will break all barriers,
So that she flies into great horizons,
No obstacles, no hinderance,
She flies like a butterfly,
All by herself with joy,
Being what she always wants,
To reach and touch eternity.
I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa
As a teacher, I’ve noticed that girls outsmart boys these days. When the straitjackets imposed earlier were removed, girls have grown wings. Let them fly. Good post.
Yes u are true… thanks
What I personally believe is, when you are already free and still keep talking about the freedom, you don’t live it.. They are already free now and perhaps they have proved themselves as a better manger when it comes to personal and professional lives.. Congrats for the best article and more than that encouraging those who needs it the most..
Inspirational one!
Very nice…
Nowadays no one is behind the curtain. Depends on the person’s urge to come to the forefront.
Women are winning each and every field, leaving behind everyone awestruck.
Enjoyed your blog , Pallavi.
Thanks dear
This post reminded me of a quote “She was not looking for a prince, she was looking for a sword.” We have come a long way and women are now able to achieve their potential in all fields.
With her wings high a girl can achieve everything. Things and perspectives have evolved over a period of time still we have a distance to cover.
Yes.. indeed
Dream – something we want very much to happen. I so so believe in this
True ..there shld be a dream to achieve the best.
Accept it or not, the societal expectations on girls are a huge hindrance to freedom. Though times are changing still there is a long way to go.
Shubhra Rastogi
Such lovely words. Full of inspiration. If a girl is nurtured well she is not only happy but also capable of making the people around her. She is literally the backbone. Great post! #MyFriendAlexa #ShubhraReads
Thanks Shubhra
Ninu Nair
Absolutely ‘she can fly’, the times have changed for us living in bigger towns…hope the same opportunities arrive for the girls in rural areas! Nice post!
Thanks ninu
Girls was always proved the society wrong still there are lot of misconception.
Yes dear…
judy morris
Well the quote ‘Let her free and give her wings to fly.”, itself is so lope-sided. I feel nobody is entitled to give a girl her freedom or deny it just that society norms bind her so much. ?
Such a refreshing post this way. At times I believe we do not value the freedom that we are fortunate to get. Think about how our lives will be otherwise. If you have it, cherish it.
Rohan Kachalia
Each generation has evolved with a more positive modest towards females and it’s true that females are no less than makes. In fact, I witness many females manage home and work perfectly. So, it times to let them fly and dream big
Yes indeed
And when a girl flies high, the whole society is uplifted by it! Let us all shatter the chains we wrap ourselves with, and soar high, for the betterment of us and the entire world..