2010 – 2019: A decade of change in Education

As a decade comes to an end and a new one begins, it’s usual to look ahead to the future innovations and developments. Day by day we are progressing in every field. In the coming decade, a question sticks to my mind, will robots take over manual jobs? Will some medicine be discovered, that will finally cure cancer, whose incidence is increasing alarmingly? What will be the workplace of the future generation?

As an educationist of fifteen years of experience, I have seen technology transform the education sector. Digital education has risen. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are available now. Through these students from each corner of the world are getting benefited. They are coping up and meeting one to one with trainers and other students around the world.
Over this last decade, technologies have replaced the traditional teaching methods. Thereby radically altering the learning experience for the student as well as the teaching experience of the teacher. In fact, these days the teacher is no longer called so. The term is the facilitator. The value of this term is explained later on in the blog.
Every child is unique in their way. To nourish their inner self and to bring out the best in them is the biggest challenge for a facilitator. Over the years this has become possible with the latest modulations.

Let me describe a few things which can give a better understanding of the recent advanced teaching practices.
Holographic Teaching

In Holographic teaching, the image of the facilitator or of a teaching tool can appear at any classroom anywhere at any time. From musical instruments to medical professionals, holographic technology has made possible whereby live lectures a person can avail effective interactive sessions. Students can watch, listen to and interact with guests from Los Angeles, London or Lucknow, through their computers at home. This realistic experience enhances learning.
Over the last decade, a big change has been seen in our whole school system. Now the schools have moved toward personalised competency education. Each students’ progress is a challenge for the facilitator. The facilitator no longer moves through a book delivering lectures on chapters. Rather they now train students to take charge of their training to excel in the various areas. A facilitator is a role model for the student. So, schools are enriching them with pieces of training and seminars to enhance their standards. These will help create future leaders. Now facilitators are expected to learn, plan and collaborate with other faculties. So that they support their students to do the same with their peers.
Learning by doing.

Montessori method of teaching has been applied relentlessly in the past decade. Kids are learning or gaining knowledge through play way. Learning by doing is the most exciting technique. It also helps schools with new technologies that play a vital role for the student. They learn quickly and in a better way. Who knew that with years these advanced technologies make studying so much fun and exciting? For example, in Business School, Lego is used to help MBA students to recreate things by combining video games and digital programs.
On a broad look at the last 10 years, such developments show the pendulum has swung back and forth. Now teachers feel as if their jobs have gotten harder. They grapple with constantly changing education system. They have to be well conversant with computers. As. this mini-tool has made a way into their classrooms and their personal lives.
Over a decade ago, teaching as a profession has become very demanding. The facilitator needs to on their toes. She is required to be equipped with the latest knowledge to provide or facilitate students.

This progressive learning environment is now more demanding over the last decade. It has gone upwards creating dramatic changes in the field of education.
Over a decade, education has created a mark with unique nuances. Now students and facilitators work in tandem. They scrutinise assessment data to fine-tune content to curiosity, research and critical thinking.
Modern technology has enabled to process a vast amount of data in a short period. This has led to a rise in teaching and learning levels.
Hands-on learning allows students to learn in a better way and to relate the concepts learnt to real life. It will spark a passion for the future career of the student.
Over a decade, new technology has proved to be very capable as auxiliary support to classroom learning. It gives a glimpse of the ultra-modern education system of the future.

This is a nice post. Something close to my heart. The hospital I was working in, was quite proactive in telemedicine. And I truly believe it will save a lot of lives.
Interestingly, the other one, Montessori method, though I don’t have anything to do with it, I’m a fan of the system. Hopefully such innovations will change the way we look at education.
Great take to the prompt
Thanku dear.
I believe, Learning by doing is the best method to teach kids. I personally experienced, kids enjoy this and take as a moment of pride if they do anything on their own. I applied this method with my 3years old son. Thanks for the informative post. Best wishes!
Deepika Mishra
Thanks for reading Deepika..yes these new way of teachings are very effective and helpful for our kidz
Pooja Priyamvada
I have interests in both online learning and education being a parent and academician, also my daughter started in Montessori. this is an insightful read about the evolution of all these aspects. Well done.
Thanku Pooja
Piya Gajbe
This post is an enlightening one. The changes in education system are welcome as technology is helping kids to learn crossing the physical boundaries. A well-written post!!
Thanku dear for appreciating and as your buddy is going thru this phase you must be knowing things very well.child centric education is the best one.
Technology has indeed changed our lives for better. Gone are the days when the biggest fantasy of the 90s kid was to access Orkut in computers class. We have come a long way where technology is an integral part of learning. The Montessori method is indeed amazing. Kids learn much faster and it stay a with them for long. My sons pre school was Montessori and I hope the formal school starts following the same method too. Wonderful perspective of the decade.
Glad to know about you.yes these tiny ways are very helpful to nourish a child.best wishes for ur son.
Online courses has opened many venues. Even I have made use of this. I have done a few courses alongwith my law degree online to facilitate my learning process. Now a days even kids are taught on ipads and through projectors in school. The process is more concentrated on bringing out the talent rather than our old school method of by hearting and just giving exams. Nicely summarised the entire process in your post!!
Yes online education has been progressed alot.Schools are well equipped by smartclasses it’s not just exams now , rote learning is discouraged rather learning by doing has made things easier for students .
Radhika Acharya
Finally something different! Interesting to read about the future of education. With technological strides education would definitely be far reaching. However it has to be seen if all countries can avail of them due to cost factors and priorities!
Indian education system is progressing although we have same content or course structure gradually new styles are coming , facilitators are adapting them and applying hope students will get less burden and they will explore in other areas .
That’s true, teachers are now facilitators. Methods of teaching have changed tremendously. Your post elucidates this evolution very well. Best wishes to you.
Thanks dear.Hope you enjoyed my post.
Thoroughly.. you covered the not so subtle changes in our education system wonderfully… A very well written and informative post ?
Thanku dear..Iam glad u liked it.
The digitalization of education and introductions to learning beyond traditional ways is opening up our horizon to education. The rise of E-course with Udemy, upgrad, etc is encouraging people to learn something new. Wonderful recap of growth in education.
Yes, Pallavi. Technology is altering the face of everything today. It has made things easy, no doubt but it is also creating new issues. Not sure what the future holds; we need to wait and watch.
True..even I think the same.lets hope a better future
Jyoti Arora
E learning has helped many lives change.. Technology has gone levels high in education and is promising too. Kids are getting more smarter with the smart classes!!
True jyoti.thanks for reading my blog.
Yes indeed..a great leap in this field and hope more positive progress will be thr.
My Words My Wisdom
Such a unique post, I was unaware about most of the developments in this field. Your post just enlightened me.
I am with you when you say that online learning programs have opened up a plethora of opportunities for students across the globe. And yes the challenge for the facilitator today is progress of each and every child. At my son’s school, they haven’t touched upon a new traditional maths concept for two months. They are practicing all that has been taught anf helping them execute the concepts in every way possible. “We need to ensure that every child is on the same understanding level” is their idea of holistic learning.
Even in our we pay attention to each child.yes developments are thr it’s totally upon the facilitators how they facilitates the lesson.
The reformation in the education system is wonderfully captured through your post. It’s an insightful read for I’m new to the mentioned methods of teaching.
Thanku dear..hope you got a new outlook in this field.
Much needed topic to be considered on when talking about decades, change in the Education System, Evolution in teaching method undoubtedly made the method more interesting, more easier not only for teachers but for students too, even we parents prefers to choose the school where digital learning is the prime amenities among rest all!! Well written post!
Thanku so much dear.
Priyanka Naik
It is wonderful how modern technology has succeeded in getting the world in our classroom/home. Agreed, this means extra pressure on the facilitator to meet demands/requisites to suit the needs of the students. But we need to constantly evolve with the times. Only then real progress can be achieved.
And progress always begins in the classroom!
You have picked up a pertinent topic to write about. And one that is keeping in line with the times.
Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Thanks..IAM glad you liked it.Yes definitely from classroom facilitators starts nurturing these tiny buds and one day they bloom into beautiful flowers of our garden.
Holographic teaching is a new concept for me. Sounds like straight out from futuristic movie. Kids would surely enjoy it!
Thanku dear
Namratha Varadharajan
A completely different facet of the prompt. Education is one of the areas which has definitely benefited from the increase in technology. However, I believe it has become in some ways easier and in other ways more difficult for the teachers. The start of your post really started me thinking: what will we be writing about in 2030?
True..while writing I was thinking of 2030..truly saying what tech would be thr ,how our education system would progress? Now teachers job is really very tiring and very demanding.24*7 we have to be alert it may be for our class or students or school work..
What an enlightening post. I’m an admirer of Montessori, my son did his initial years there and what a wonderful way it was to begin his education. You have covered the transformation in a very neat and chiselled manner, highlighting the important aspects. Well done!
Thanku so much
This was an informative article. An interesting take on the decade hop.
Thanks Ruchi.You found my article interesting.
Yes, there are different ways to teach and study…my son did his kindergarten in the US Montessori system and the results were amazing. It is good to learn about holographic teaching… all good wishes for the coming decade! 🙂
Thanku dear..I am happy u know about Montessori education and my blog was a bit more informative.
Technology has changed almost everything and I loved how you have written this post. Technology has its advantages and disadvantages and I feel we all need to use it wisely so that it does not create issues.
Thanks Arushi for reading and really I hope teaching industry will get many more opportunities so that our young generations will avail it and nuture thr future
What a treasure trove of information, presented in a clear, concise way. I really appreciated how child centric a lot of these educational models are, because if our children don’t feel seen and heard, how will they learn?
I spent close to 12 years in academia in different parts of the world, training to be a licensed physician, and I thought I’d seen it all.
Now well into my thirties, I’m doing a writing course, from the comfort of my writing desk, and I realize how far education has come, right into our homes and screens. Thank goodness for that, huh?
Wonderful post! Loved it!
Yes true..glad to know about u..hey congratulations for your ?..thanks for loving my post.
Pavi Raman
Thank you <3
A lot of this was new information for me – thank you for your post – technology has indeed change the way we look at education!
Thanks for reading.yes tech has grasped the teaching world and we can see bright future for our coming generations.
Dr. Surbhi Prapanna
Completely agree with you, yes during last decade there is tremendous change in educational system and style of teaching. nowadays the technology has become one of the most important aspect of teaching. here in USA, I feel a huge difference in style of teaching compare to India and they use most of the advanced way of teaching in their curriculam. I had found your post really informative and thanks a lot for sharing new methods of teaching like holographic..it was really new info to me. thanks a lot for sharing.
Thanku so much
waah! what a recap of technology shift in education… I hope that education system gets more better this decade and our kids could enjoy their uniqueness without any pressure.
Harjeet Kaur
Education is such an important issue..thanks for highlighting this. Online learning has brought about a sea change and made it easier to finally opt for topics which your local school may not provide. A very informative and different post from the rest.
So very true, Even I sometimes wonder now which invention or discovery will come that can change the way we live. You have very nicely captured a decade of education transformation. Going online, MOOC’s, digital projects, technology has transformed each and every field around us.
Thanku pragun
Meena Chatty
You have given a fresh new perspective to looking back on the decade, Pallavi. I really liked your take on the prompt. All the points you have raised are indeed game changers in the field of education. Online courses are the latest tool in education now. A few days back, in Karnataka, when there was a shortage of teachers in polytechnic colleges, the education dept launched a youtube or website (not really sure which one) channel to teach the kids. It was lapped up by the students in an unprecedented way.
Great post
Meena from balconysunrise.wordpress.com
Thanku so much Meena for sharing this incident.Yes dear there is a great jump in the field of education ,coming generations will see more adv facilities.One big thing through online platform education has reached every corner of our globe.Now being in village plp can gain knowledge,we can connect with plp thruout the world, n many more to come..
Myself being a teacher or should I say facilitator , I could well relate to all you said . The teacher is always on his toes yes I agree . Lot many changes in educational system ….but I think sometimes it is happening at the cost of quality education
True..100 percent.Even I feel so.The pattern shld change which is rather creating burden on stu.hope in next decade we might overcome this too.
I agree that the definition has changed from teachers to facilitators. So much has changed in terms of teaching and grasping it in a better way. Lego used in MBA training is new to me.
Thanku dear
Anjali M Naik
Very interesting and informative post . Holographic teaching is quite nice way of teaching. I would love to read up more about it. I always wanted my son to follow Montessori teaching, but I couldn’t find a school nearby. So I researched about it and now I m training my son at home whatever I can. Practical knowledge travels lifelong instead of theoretical . So hands on skills are always important !!
Sure .i will share other things please follow my blog ,here in one post it might be lengthen so in my next post will be sharing other experiences and experiments and.thanku u loved my write-up.
✰Novemberschild✰ (@romspeaks)
Very true, education has changed a lot in the decade.
I like the old school of teaching and education.
The mention of new styles in MBA training was unknown to me.
Yes old is gold indeed..but these are equally good and helping newbies..
An insightful read. Enjoyed reading it. As much as I am a supporter of old-world methods, I also accept the fact that like everything else, teaching methods too need to adapt and evolve.
Thanku dear
A very unique take on the prompt, read so far. I agree technology has taken over us, and for good and bad equally in many ways. I didn’t know much about how the education system has evolved over these years but learned a lot from your post. A good read.
Thanks.iam glad you liked my post and it helped u to know about latest education system.
Hey Pallavi, you did quite nicely summed up the transformation our education system went through and the narrative reflected your personal experiences. I was impressed by the questions you raised at the start about automation and efforts which do need a diligent thought. But somewhere down the path I also feel that the generations to come would be missing out on the human intervention and touch in the process. Technology is helpful but quite addictive and disengaging for the ones who have little or no sense of control. Having said that, your blog covered the overall essence pretty well.
Thanku dear.Iam glad you read and connect.
Sivaranjini Anandan
E learning has been a great tool and indeed incredible because I work as an online teacher. Very much informative?
Thanku so much.Iam glad I could connect u.
Prerna Wahi
You have depicted how the education system has evolved over the decade. Technology, without doubt, has a huge hand to play in it. It was interesting to read your perspective!
Thanku dear
A very topical post about a less known topic. What i found disconcerting was that all these technological advancements are placing a burden on the teacher! Somewhere someone has to moderate the pace of these changes so that the teachers or facilitators as they are called now, should be able to adapt to these. I liked the emphasis you have placed on holistic learning techniques – they are the need of the hour! Kudos to you and all the teachers! Rohit Verma
Thanks ?
this is amazing!! loved it
Just when I was thinking that there is no more possible way of looking at my decade, I read your post. It was amazing how you expressed the decade with the evolution of technology and education in the world today.
Love your writing.
— rightpurchasing
Thanks a lot.am glad u liked it
Swarnali Nath
Your theme was something so relevant to our generation. We have seen so many changes in education field. But you know, I really wish someday our education system do take a step towards learning by doing. It’s needed in this hour, truly. Best wishes for this decade.
Thanks swarnali
The world has progressed in many ways in the last decade. You have shared the transformational changes in the teaching field so nicely.
Mahesh Sowani
What about home schooling? The recent trend in India. Would have loved to read about it too.
There are many advantages and disadvantage s of home schooling.As a facilitator I don’t support home schooling.If you want growth and development a child shld get outside and struggle.And thru companionship learning is better.sure I will write about it.please follow my blog.iam happy that someone has shown so much interest n am glad people are concious about education.
Wow this is an informative one and I thouroughly enjoyed reading this . Well thought and good domain to write
Àns Holographic is new to me and thank you for sharing this piece.
Meera iam a great fan of your cooking which u often post and you write so well.i have seen your poems.Iam glad you liked my piece of writing.ofcourse I like your Jai veeru ki Jodi.. ?
Aww thank you so much Pallavi
Wow I am constantly being surprised during this blog hop! Whatever else I may have accepted, I certainly didn’t expect to learn something new- and with your post, I have. Well-researched, well-reasoned and well-written post.
Technology has changed so much in the last decade, especially online courses which has been introduced in the last decade. A well research article it is
Thanks dear..am glad u liked my article
Mayuri Nidigallu
I always say that the new generation has a lot of choices where education is concerned, among other things. Your insightful and detailed post has shone the light on that.
Thanku dear
Preeti's Panorama
Loved the topic you had taken for the theme. I worked as a teacher for 15 years and thus this topic touched my heart. We have really travelled much in this decade when it comes to education. Indian Education System has become more child-friendly in comparison to what it initially was. As you said with so many options of gaining knowledge, teachers have taken roles of facilitators but that doesn’t mean that their work has been cut down. Instead, Now the teachers in the role of facilitators have to be more updated than ever before..because the source of gaining knowledge is now not restricted only to books.
Although The Education system still lacks many things but looking at the progress in this field over the decade, I am hopeful that the younger generation will become more knowledgable than just merre rote-learners.
Good to be in touch with you dear.Who else can understand more other than a teacher about the nature of work we do.Am glad you loved my article.thanku you so much
Yes u r right.
I have followed your blog.nice to meet u here
This is an interesting post. We have seen many changes of late in the way concepts are taught in school too. Learning by doing is quite effective. Online courses are fast gaining popularity and are immensely useful too.
Srishti Rajeev
You brought about a different perspective of the decade. The Education system has changed and the facilitators’ job has also changed. It is a post that is in lines with today’s changing educations system where teachers are trying different methods to educate our google-accessible children.
Yes indeed..thanku
Neha Sharma
Loved reading your completely different yet interesting take on the last decade focussing on the change in the Education field. And I completely agree with you, the progressive learning environment which evolved in the last decade is demanding but has turned out to be a boon in the field of learning and education. I really like the Montessori way of learning, I have followed the play way of learning for my son at home and I feel all schools should adopt this method of teaching at least for primary classes. Thanks for sharing this informative post with us!
Maya Bhat
Education has become much accessible in today’s time. In our school days we had to struggle to do project works. Now, information is at the finger tips. Even we could give no excuse if we need to learn something. Online courses are all over to serve us. I think this is one of the positive changes that happened in past few years
Thank u dear
Pashmeena Chowdhary
Hello Pallavi…Being a teacher this post touched my heart..You are right,each child is unique and it is the role of the facilitator to bring out the best in the child.. Digital technology is a must to enhance the teaching learning process…Am sorry I have no idea where the comment disappeared..But you wrote so well that I came back to read the post again..?More power to your pen..My best wishes to you for the future..
Thanku dear …we only can understand eachother better…haha..nice to have u as my friend.thanks for following me.
Pashmeena Chowdhary
My pleasure?And true about the understanding part?
Zenobia Merchant
An extremely educative and informative blog about the changes in our education system. Made for a great read.
Is holographic teaching a big thing though? It always sounded futuristic to me. Great post.
Rashi Roy
That was an informative post and no wonder education and the methods of teaching have evolved drastically, mostly for the good. Gald to have you in this blog hop 🙂
Thanku dear,kudos to all your efforts….my best wishes are with you..
Keep this going please, great job!
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