Happy Teacher’s Day
गुरुः ब्रह्मा : गुरु ही ब्रह्मा हैं ।गुरुर विष्णु : गुरु ही विष्णु हैं गुरुर
Soulmate – we all dream – the epitome of love. We all are social creatures.
*”खुशी”* बहुत दिन बाद पकड़ में आई… थोड़ी सी खुशी…तो पूछ लिया, “कहाँ रहती हो
Spiritual gift
For the sake of privacy the names of characters and place are changed } Parents
Have you ever stumbled upon an old book of your childhood and read through your
50/50 My Secret Self
The jinglings of anklets and beats of music would mesmerize him and generate pleasure sensations
Honeymoon with Noida
My sojourn with Noida
A rose by any other name …
You put the grass in… You mow the grass down… You take the grass out…